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Auto-select Zoom hosts for interviews

Tony Ramirez
Tony Ramirez

Ashby can now auto-select Zoom hosts for your interviews! This means you no longer need to pick a static host ahead of time.

Instead, Ashby will intelligently select the Zoom host based on who is scheduled for a given interview. This is particularly useful for direct booking link workflows where you might not know in advance who will conduct the interview.

In this example, when a candidate directly books the Hiring Manager Screen, Ashby will assign the Zoom host as either Kaitlyn or Sylvie, depending on who is booked.

For single interview events with multiple participants, Ashby will select the first user with a Zoom account to serve as the host.

The auto-selected interviewer will appear as the host, with their Zoom account set as the meeting location.

Thank you to all the customers who provided feedback for this feature. We’re excited to deliver it to you today — give it a try!

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