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Millions of applications and workflows, informative benchmarks and trends

Ashby's Talent Trends Reports enable the TA community with industry benchmarks and trends from anonymized proprietary Ashby data.

While there's no substitute for internal data, these reports aim to dive beyond superficial headlines to analyze the 'why' behind those trends and arm you with helpful industry benchmarks you see every day.

We're turning raw data into actionable insights for Recruiters and TA leaders trying to make sense of the ever evolving TA landscape.

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Latest Report

Offer Acceptance Rates | Talent Trends Report

Offer Acceptance Rates | Talent Trends Report

We analyzed Offer Acceptance Rate (‘OAR’) patterns over a three year period to share valuable insights and benchmarks for talent teams.

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Earlier Reports

Talent Trends Report | Candidate Sourcing

Talent Trends Report | Candidate Sourcing

An analysis from over 500K email sequences sent through Ashby between January 2022 and January 2024.

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Talent Trends Report | Candidate Experience Surveys

Talent Trends Report | Candidate Experience Surveys

Our analysis of 67.4K surveys requests sent and 11.9K survey responses received unveil valuable insights for recruiters designing Candidate Experience Surveys.

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2023 Trends Report | Trends in Recruiter Productivity

2023 Trends Report | Trends in Recruiter Productivity

An analysis of 14M applications and 80K jobs provides an inside look at rapidly shifting recruiter priorities.

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2023 Trends Report | Applications Per Job

2023 Trends Report | Applications Per Job

Analyzing 13 million applications from January 2021 - April 2023 to surface key patterns around applications per job per week.

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