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Form Sections, Question Descriptions, and Scores

Abhik Pramanik
Abhik Pramanik
Co-founder & VP of Engineering

Have a lot of questions on your feedback form and want to group them by theme? Or add guidance on how to answer a question? Or support rating attributes?

Now you can with a huge update to forms in Ashby (as well as a new and easier-to-use form builder).


Questions on both feedback and application forms can be organized into sections.

In the form builder:

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 8.12.10 AM.png

On your job board posting (for example):

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 8.23.04 AM.png

Question Descriptions

Each question on a feedback or application form now supports adding formatted text.

In the form builder:

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 8.26.03 AM.png

On your feedback form (for example):

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 8.27.13 AM.png

Score Question

All feedback forms now support a new type of question called a "Score". It lets an interviewer rate a candidate on a scale of 1 to 4 with the option to add additional comments.

In the form builder:

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 8.40.56 AM.png

On your feedback form:

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 8.41.27 AM.png

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