
We're a nimble team of humans working together to do big things.

Ashby is a remote-first company with colleagues working from 14 countries in North America and Europe. We meet in person at least once a year in Europe and in our office in San Francisco.

Ashby holiday book exchange

Our 2022 holiday book exchange ๐ŸŽ„

Sheanee Michaud
Sheanee Michaud

Customer Support

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I'm working on a workflow to improve our process around collecting feature requests from our customers and reaching out once a feature is released. I love the work our team puts into delighting our customers!

Something I've helped the team with...

I've started drafting internal product documentation for our Support team. I love documenting and consolidating this information in one place for everyone to access.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

Ashby is a customizable product which makes it a very powerful tool to use. Not all companies and jobs are the same, and I love how flows within Ashby can be easily adjusted to fit business needs.

Noel DeLeone
Noel DeLeone

Customer Support

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I've helped onboard our second Analytics Support hire and developed relationships with several of our customers.

Something I've helped the team with...

I've improved internal resources for our Analytics Support team, which in turn has made it easier to provide those resources to customers.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The most surprising thing about Ashby is how quickly and intentionally changes or updates are made in order to better support employees and customers.

Kristl Yuen
Kristl Yuen

Customer Support

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I've worked with Ravan to improve and streamline our support processes so that we can maintain our support quality as we grow.

Something I've helped the team with...

I've helped improve internal documentation and the onboarding process for new hires.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

How incredibly robust the product is. It seems like on an almost-daily basis I learn something new about what Ashby can do.

Nick Kamyshan
I'm New!
Nick Kamyshan

Customer Support

Something I'm excited to work on at Ashby...

I'm excited to delight our customers and exceed their expectations. Plus, take on projects in which product support contributes to business growth and customer experience.

My onboarding experience at Ashby...

The team is super friendly. I am lucky to have Abbye as my onboarding buddy ๏ผ she helps me make the most of my learning experience. The onboarding process is well-structured and easy to follow. The combination of documentation, webinars, live sessions, and meeting the team one-on-one works magically!

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

Friendly team, thoughtful communication, awesome customer feedback, and documented processes that set me up for success.

Sara Hernandez
Sara Hernandez

Customer Support

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I'm excited to be a part of the team that reviews, updates, and creates new guides for our customers. It helps our customers feel confident in the tools they're using and ensures that everyone understands the purpose and possibilities of the amazing features Ashby has.

Something I've helped the team with...

I'm currently working with a teammate to review, update, and create internal documentation, so that everyone at Ashby can stay up-to-date with new or updated features and workflows.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

I continue to be pleasantly surprised at how kind, inclusive, and supportive everyone is. Across departments and teams, we're all here to help each other and that feels great.

Allie Hurley
I'm New!
Allie Hurley

Head of Customer Support

Something I'm excited to work on at Ashby...

I am excited to help the Support Team at Ashby continue providing an outstanding customer experience in a scalable way, while ensuring users are able to tackle challenges with minimal effort. It is an exciting prospect to drive enablement and enhance documentation for such a robust, yet user-friendly platform.

My onboarding experience at Ashby...

Onboarding has been incredibly exciting! The caliber of the team is incredible and I'm learning so much about Ashby and our customer needs. With every new insight, I get more and more excited to be a part of something so special.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

I have learned that it is very possible to move swiftly while being intentional and thoughtful in one's approach. In other organizations, it can be easy to conflate being busy with being productive. It is not that way at Ashby. Having both the responsibility and sense of ownership to approach challenges with deliberate care and collaboration yields stronger results, better change management, and ultimately happier people. It's a unique approach that makes Ashby special.

Holly Schomberg
I'm New!
Holly Schomberg

Customer Support

Something I'm excited to work on at Ashby...

I want to continue building strong customer relationships between Ashby users and the Ashby Product Support team. In my short time here, it is clear that the Support team really cares about Ashby users and their experience with the platform. As I continue learning the platform, I would love to help build on the already stellar documentation that Ashby provides.

My onboarding experience at Ashby...

From the get-go, the onboarding experience has been fantastic! During the interviews, everything was laid out clearly, which has carried through seamlessly into the training phase. What's been really reassuring is the team's readiness to lend a hand as we newbies find our feet. They've been super understanding about the learning curve and have emphasized not putting too much pressure on ourselves as we settle in.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The vastness of the Ashby platform! I knew coming into this role that Ashby was very customizable for different business needs, but once I began the training it was clear just how thoughtful team is when creating features and making updates to the product. The team is endlessly curious about what user needs are, and they take each bit of feedback into consideration and want to understand how it may benefit users as a whole.

Joey Cordon
I'm New!
Joey Cordon

Customer Support

Something I'm excited to work on at Ashby...

I would love to help in expanding our customer base in the APAC region by providing excellent support to our new and existing customers. I want to show the world, the universe, rather, how Ashby is making a difference in the TA space through a product that is well designed and well built.

My onboarding experience at Ashby...

The excellence actually starts with the interview process. You'd be amazed at how Ashby really treats the process like a two-way street. The onboarding is the best I have experienced. The level of documentation is amazing! Questions are always welcome, however, you'd find little to no asks because everything is well documented, clear, and well thought out.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

I was so used to having 100+ Slack channels, hundreds of emails, a day full of meetings that when I experienced Ashby's Thoughtful Communication, I was in a culture shock. With Ashby's Thoughtful Communication, things can be addressed and done without notifications blowing up your phone/laptop and attending exhausting whole-day meetings.

Salina Estrada
Salina Estrada

Customer Support

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I've helped to improve functionality of internal tools that are used to track issues sothat we can provide our users with timely updates. I appreciate how every person on the team is given the agency to make improvements when needed!

Something I've helped the team with...

I've collaborated with other team members to keep internal documentation up-to-date and am working on ways to improve documentation of processes so the team can support our customers most efficiently.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

How quickly the product evolves and how thoughtfully executed every change has been!