AI at Ashby

Get better results in less time with AI in Ashby.

Power your recruiting process from sourcing to debriefs with thoughtfully developed AI features across Ashby's All-in-One recruiting platform.

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Ashby AI

How we think about AI

What makes Ashby AI different?

Ashby’s all-in-one data spans the entire candidate journey, unlocking AI workflows that are not possible in fragmented tech stacks. As we continue expanding our AI capabilities, here are some of our guiding principles.

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Powered by your all-in-one data

Ashby All-in-One houses all your recruiting data, enabling AI and automation workflows across multiple features.

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Dedicated engineering resources

We ship features quickly, and have a team of dedicated engineers working on unlocking new AI use cases.

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No gimmicky features

We’re focused on shipping AI-powered tools that solve our customers' top problems.

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Technology you can rely on

We’re building AI on the most reliable LLMs, with data and security protocols you can trust.

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Full control over your process

Our AI features always allow you to review, tweak, toggle on/off, and control your process.

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Save time and refocus

Assistive AI features make your team more effective and efficient, so you can focus on high-value activities.

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Optimize your hiring processes

AI-powered features help keep your data clean for better reporting and hiring outcomes.

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Adopt AI features on day one

We ship out-of-the-box, adoption-ready AI features you can trust to be ready for use across your team.

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See better results

Ashby customers see a 46% lift in reply rate from AI-powered outreach campaigns.

Sourcing & CRM

Leverage the full power of your candidate data, no data expertise required.

Explore your candidate data as a newcomer, quickly build something complex as a seasoned user, and experiment with new sourcing strategies.

AI-generated Filters for Candidate Search

Sometimes the perfect candidate for a role is one you’ve already interviewed. But finding them in your ATS requires being an expert in filter logic or boolean searches.

Tell Ashby in plain words what kind of candidates you’re searching for in your database, and AI will build the filters for your search query. You can always tweak or add more filters to your search.

Quickly send effective outbound sequences without sacrificing personalization.

Save time on outreach while increasing your response rates with AI-generated personalization.

Generative AI Email Tokens

Creating personalized outreach messages is an important but time-intensive process. Generic outreach can be ineffective and lead to low engagement.

Personalize your sourcing outreach emails and LinkedIn messages by inserting AI-powered tokens. These tokens generate contextualized copy using job details and candidate work history. Review and tweak copy as needed.

Ashby customers see a ~46% lift in reply rate from their outreach campaigns using AI personalization. (Source:


Increase recruiter productivity and optimize your outreach sequences.

Manage high-volume sequences while maintaining clean data you can use to improve your outreach.

Email Response Classification

Optimizing your email sequences can have a significant impact on your sourcing efficiency.

Ashby automatically classifies a recipient's response as "interested" or "not interested" based on their reply to a sequence email.

This helps to keep your data clean so you can reliably report on what’s working, what’s not, and can take action to optimize your sequences.


Schedule interviews with AI, so your team can focus on higher value activities.

Do more with your team by eliminating manual scheduling tasks that slow down your hiring process.

Auto-scheduling Interviews

Coordinating interviews is one of the most time-consuming aspects of recruiting.

Automatically generate recommended schedules for interviews in high-volume candidate funnels, or complex panels with many interviewers.

*This feature is currently available as an add-on


Accelerate hiring decisions while keeping your team aligned for better hiring outcomes.

Keep your hiring process moving forward by quickly seeing a candidate's strengths and areas for review at a glance, then drill down on key areas for discussion.

AI-generated Feedback Summaries

Improving collaboration on hiring decisions leads to better hiring outcomes, but consolidating feedback can be a time-consuming process.

AI summarizes interview feedback collected throughout the recruiting process for use at any stage, including in your debriefs. Summaries will cite the original interview feedback, so you can review the full details and context.


Ashby integrates with powerful AI tools.

Integrate your ATS with AI tools you already know and love.

High quality AI integrations that seamlessly connect to the rest of your technology stack.

In addition to our native AI-powered features, Ashby offers several out-of-the-box integrations with AI-powered tools that can further power your workflows.

Metaview Ashby Integration
Ashby has been able to continue to innovate with AI in ways that allows us to really customize our communication. The continued quick turnaround around AI features has been impressive and needed.
Veronica Salcido

Veronica Salcido

Head of Global Talent at multiverse

Customer Story

Multiverse Uses Ashby to Recruit Top Talent with AI, Scheduling, and Powerful Data

Multiverse switched to Ashby's All-in-One to move away from traditional recruiting approaches and build a lean, powerful tech stack that supports the rapidly changing TA landscape. With Ashby they've been able to leverage AI, customization and a data-driven approach to operational efficiency.

Multiverse Ashby Case Study

Run an efficient recruiting process with AI

Get in touch to to see how Ashby is helping recruiting teams excel at hiring